Physical Therapists are experts in movement!
Their education, training, and professional Licensure specialize in the function of the bones, muscles, and systems involved in movement and movement patterns. The brain is connected to the spinal cord, the spinal cord to the muscles, and the muscles to the bones. They must all work together in a coordinated fashion for living beings to perform their daily tasks. A gymnast’s tasks vs an elderly 90-year-old are on different performance levels yet the very basic heart of performance is the same.
Physical Therapists identify, diagnose, and treat movement problems
These problems may stem from an injury to the skeletal system, a blow to the head, a fall due to vestibular neglect, and/or muscle weakness. An individual may experience a surgical procedure, muscle spasticity or movement failure due to a neurological event. A decrease in safe activity can even stem from body neglect due to aging or poor nutrition. The one common factor is the body must move regularly to perform at a safe optimal performance. The ol’ saying “move it or lose it “defiantly plays in as we age.
Your Pt and PTA will coordinate with you the client to create a goal-oriented plan of care empowering you to participate and move forward in your daily activities with less pain and improved agility. Treatment plans are tailored to the individual and their goals. Exercise plans involve understanding the musculoskeletal system, function of the body and correcting or retraining poor movement patterns and weaknesses.
For instance, a person may experience low back pain after a lengthy walk. The pain shows up later in the day across the hips or low back yet there are no know injuries to that region. A visit to a Physical Therapist discovers the culprits are the ankles and weak muscles in the core creating poor walking patterns. You will be educated as to the test findings and an exercise program will be designed to address the problems.
Before undergoing expensive surgery please try physical therapy
Therapy before surgery improves the overall outcome of the procedure and often answers questions a person may have concerning outcome expectations and healing time. Surgery may be avoided altogether by improving the strength and once again addressing poor movement patterns.
Patients who suffer from chronic pain want only for that pain to cease
A majority of the time, the choice when treating chronic pain is to choose a temporary fix with medication. In some situations, dosed appropriately, prescription opioids are an appropriate part of medical treatment. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is urging the reduction of opioid use and encouraging alternatives such as physical therapy for most long-term pain patterns. Opioid risks include depression, overdose, and addiction, internal organ malfunctions such as slow bowel movements plus withdrawal symptoms when stopping use. Often times with the proper exercise regiment, medications can be saved for flair-ups.
Physical Therapists can also offer pain management modalities such as myofascial release, Estem or portable TENS units, proper application of heat and cold, stretching routines, and taping techniques.
There are many different places and several different levels of skill-sets Physical therapists offer; these include hospitals, private practices, home health, outpatient facilities, schools, sports facilities, and work settings. In Texas, a new direct access law has been passed that you can now go directly to a physical therapist with your concerns. Whatever the situation maybe, if you are out of balance, your mom is just not getting around like she used to, or your child is just not themselves, consult your Physical Therapist. They have access to other professional practitioners such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, nutritionists,s and counselors.
Be proactive and research for yourself if PT is for you; go to their website the American Physical Therapy Association. They offer education, answers, and a directory link. You may also try our directory link for a local Williamson County Texas referral.
All we need is magic……movement.
Give Physical Therapy a try, movement is what they do best!
After all, being safe, doing more and improved quality of life is magical.