Imagine a world free of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Wonderful, right? Scientists say there is no cure. Educate, raise awareness, and follow the below tips to reduce your risk to better the world today.
A heart-wrenching disease that causes the body’s immune system to attack the brain and spinal cord, known as the central nervous system (CSN). Depending on the nerve damage, people may lose the ability to walk or suffer considerably experience speech delays. No cure is available, but some treatments can speed up recovery after attacks occur. Help team up with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to do what it takes. Take action, join an event, or find a walk to raise awareness during Multiple Sclerosis Education Awareness month this March.
Learn more about MS
How does MS damage the body? Within the CNS, there are nerve cells that communicate with each other via axons (which work like wires connecting each cell to the next).
MS “attacks” the protective coating on axons, known as the myelin sheath, which results in communication errors between nerve cells and functionality within the CNS. The “MS attack” creates lesions that limit the brain from telling the body how to think and move.
Most Common Symptoms:
- Difficulties walking and balancing
- Dizziness
- Fatigue, weakness
- Spasticity
- Numbness or tingling
- Bladder and bowel issues
- Sexual responsiveness
- Pain, itching
- Emotional changes, depression
Less likely symptoms:
- Tremor
- Speech delay or slurring
- Seizures
- Breathing issues
- Hearing loss
Lower your risk of developing MS with the Locals
There are chemicals found in processed food that link to increasing the risk of an individual leaky gut (intestinal permeability), which leads to autoimmune disease, including MS. What can you do to lower your risk? Check out these tips below.
- Salt and sugar, see ya! Purchase whole foods, not processed and packaged (which keep foods’ good’ because of the amount of salt and sugar involved). Use pink Himalayan salt over table salt, or local organic honey over pure cane sugar. Choose local Farm to Tdoable businesses.
- Reach out locally. Clinical Nutritionists can be helpful when choosing the right foods for your body.
- Processed Meats. Skip hotdogs, chicken nuggets, and other odd (unnatural) meat that probably has ‘meat glue’ or microbial transglutaminase in it – straight up nasty.
- Woah is me, ditching bread. We love bread and pasta. Who doesn’t? MS. By using alternatives like quinoa and almond flour, you can reduce blood sugar levels. And we like that!
- Give your gut a boost. Probiotic-infused foods, like yogurt and tempeh, help boost gut health dramatically. Limit alcoholic use. Bonus point? You’ll enjoy natural relief in the bathroom.
- Titanium Dioxide, what? No need to quickly google that. Titanium dioxide is used to naturally give off a white pigment in plastic and paper packaging, frosting, particular candy, and gum. No Bueno. It’s carcinogenic to humans, avoid. Read this to learn more!
- Get physical. Enjoy physical activities, like aquatic walking at your local YMCA. The water takes the pressure off joints and soothes muscles. Use caution, water temperature should not be below 88 degrees to avoid further fatigue. Local Physical Therapists can help rehab you or a loved one back to the best version of yourself before MS.
- Get connected. Join local social media pages to stay connected with the cause.
Stay connected, stay healthy, and join the fight against MS.