Oh, my word! I am exhausted, are you?
Do you ever hit the couch after a long day and say, “why am I so exhausted?” Even if you got the right amount of sleep, you’re feeling sluggish? Yes? This article is for you. Please continue reading to find out why you’re so fatigued, how it affects the immune system and how lifestyle could be to blame.
Most of the health blogs that I read say to get a good “8 hours of sleep,” but why is quality sleep so important, and how do I schedule those hours with work, family, physical activity, and leisure time in the mix? If you are groggy during the midday shift or you just did not sleep well the night before, I want you to know that it’s time to make time. A short nap of 20-30 minutes can help improve alertness and performance. A few famous nappers include John F. Kennedy and Albert Einstein. So go ahead, you have my blessing, find a quiet corner, and slip a 15-minute nap in during lunch. Set a timer on your phone and lean back for a refreshing snooze. Sleep is vital for the body to have enough energy to function – body, mind, and soul – properly.
Okay, sleep is important…but what else? What else is possibly making you so fatigued?
Reasons for fatigue:
There are many other factors why the body might be lacking energy. Some of these are a consistently poor balanced nutritional diet, fluctuating hormone imbalances, a lack of a regular exercise routine, and the amount of stress your mother is making you have. Oh, I mean, how much stress is in your life. Of course, your genetics play a role as well.
Many people are restless or lethargic if one or more of these levels are out of whack. Thankfully, a slight lifestyle change will help you fight off fatigue and save your energy. Alas, your immune system might be protected. If you didn’t guess it already, sleep is on our priority list to reclaim that energy. However, if you already get a fabulous 8 hours of sleep through your night and still feel exhausted, your low voltage may be due to an underlying issue. Read 11 Reasons You May Be Always Tired + Natural Remedies for additional help.
When you are not getting enough balance in your life, the immune system is suffering.
How this imbalance affects the immune system:
Let’s review how the Lack of sleep can affect the immune system. Studies show people who are not receiving quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick. This is likely due to exposure to a virus, such as the common cold. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Certain cytokines need to increase when you have an infection or inflammation or under stress. Sleep deprivation may decrease the production of these protective cytokines. Also, infection-fighting antibodies and cells are reduced during periods when you don’t get enough sleep. So, your body needs sleep to fight infectious disease.”
When a person has a long-term lack of sleep, it increases the chances of heart diseases, obesity, and diabetes. The best way to address the lack of sleep to boost the immune system is to address the reasons behind the Lack of sleep:
- Emotional stress – find ways to cope through exercise, meditation, and journaling, releasing emotional stress leads to a night of better night sleep and strengthens the immune system. Speak to a local expert:
- Poor diet – Foods that lead to inflammation within the bowels include food high in sugar and saturated fat, low in fiber, and red meat. Eating a balanced diet – full of greens and fiber will increase your chances of strengthening your immune system, leaving you at peace at night. Local experts can help guide you in the correct direction:
- Blood sugar imbalance – Case Western Reserve University reads, “High blood sugar often diagnosed as diabetes can cause immune system malfunction, triggering infection.” You can balance your blood sugar by planning out meals that regulate your blood sugars during the day, rather than causing spikes. Choose natural sweeteners, eat breakfast, and go to the physician regularly.
- Dehydration – It’s the #1 cause of diseases. When the body is dehydrated, the overall volume of blood and lymphatic fluids essential for a healthy immune system response are greatly affected. Lack of water and inflammation takes a toll, the body reacts by attempting to store up fluid in the form of inflammation “thick and sticky”. The Cardiovascular system is forced to work harder to provide just the basic circulatory needs to function. This is an easy fix: drink more water. Spice it up by adding some frozen fruit (instead of ice).
- Sedentary lifestyle – Inflammation builds in those who live a sedentary lifestyle, impairing the immune system. Make an appointment with yourself for at least 30+ minutes of regular exercise. Check the Health and Recreation blog section of our website for fun places to scout out in our area.
Remember that all of these points will help boost your immune system as the first line of defense against bacteria, viruses, and foreign objects. Plan your days to get adequate sleep, choose foods that are beneficial to your diet, and spend 30 minutes a day getting some exercise. If one or more of these are slacking, it will decrease the change of fighting the fight. If you are having difficulty getting back on track, consult our directory for more resources!