Stop Working So Hard This is National Workaholic’s Day
Are you always coming in early, skipping your lunch and stay late at work?
July 5th is National Workaholics Day! If you are a workaholic, celebrate by cooling off your monitors and relax the keyboard. It’s not healthy to work around the clock. Workaholics tend to be sleep deprived, which can lead to severe brain and cognitive function issues. So today try Practicing a little work /life balance for your well-being. We given you a few suggestions to get up and move and maybe even meet a few other workaholics and have a laugh.
- Rogues Gallery in Round Rock nightly gaming competitions
- Bells Gaming plenty of competition to match your game skills
- The Main Event – off 183/Anderson mill – a great way to get away – bowling, rock climbing and old fashion arcade games
- Georgetown in loaded with hike and bike trails. Get out and get a little fresh air and exercise. Your brain and body will love you for it.
- word on the street, Monster mini golf is a pretty cool indoor mini golf place.
Your key board and phone are on fire from over use. People think your brain is going to pop with over work. Put the office away for a day and refocus – regenerate.
One day
24 hours you can do it!