If You See A Pink Bow, It is for Breast Cancer Awareness month
One of the most common types of cancer is breast cancer. It is also one of the most common types of cancer in women. This disease develops in the breast due to cells that are not working correctly, getting out of control, and start forming tumors in one or both breasts. If left untreated, the disease can spread to other parts of the body and become fatal.
According to Planned Parenthood, 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer, which equates to over 240,000 people diagnosed in the U.S. alone, and around 40,000 people die from it. Many advances in pre-screening and treatment have been made in the last 20 years. Early detection and knowledge are imperative to advanced care, be proactive. Catch the signs early and increase the chances of living a long, fruitful life.
To learn more watch this short educational video provided by planned parenthood
Do you have symptoms of breast cancer?
Lumps are the most common cancer signs found. It is important to learn how to perform a self-exam and understand changes that may be a common indication for concern. You can watch this video, which will walk you through the steps to perform a self-exam. We also found, Dr. Traci Johnson MD provides a written step-by-step document that helps educate you on how to check your armpit and breast for lumps. It’s important to know that some women have naturally lumpy breasts, the more familiar you are with changes that occur over time the better. Anytime a lump is found, you should get it checked out!
Other possible signs of breast cancer may include:
- Dimples on the skin
- Breast that swells
- Inward and sticking out nipples
- Irregular discharge or blood oozing from the nipple
- Pain in nipple or breast
The best-case scenario is to catch them early so that it’s easier to treat
Some of these signs may not develop until the disease is further along. Breast Cancer Screening can help reduce the risk of disease spreading. Every year at your wellness exam, ask for a breast check-up! If you are over the age of 40, consider getting a mammogram every year. If you have breast cancer or ovarian cancer in your family history, it is a good idea to speak to your doctor as you are at a higher risk.
Developing healthy habits can reduce your risk of developing breast cancer
- Exercise and eat right
- Stop smoking (and don’t start)
- Cut back on drinking
- Breastfeed your Babies
The best thing we can do is develop healthy habits to reduce your risk before breast cancer even becomes a thought. There are many clinics in the Williamson County area that offer preventative health care, including pregnancy tests, STI testing, and treatment, cholesterol testing, diabetes testing, referral mammograms, and information about birth control. We are fortunate to live in an area that provides so many great options.
Take advantage of these resources, and enjoy a healthier life!
The Breast Cancer Resource Center, #BCRC, has made available a wonderful website with virtual webinars to help educate people on different topics concerning Breast Cancer. The webinars are October 5-7th you can find out more at this link
- Williamson County & Cities Health District: Well Women Exam for Healthy Texas Women
- Breast Cancer Resource Center
- Ideas for Complimentary Health services while healing from Cancer Treatments
- Information on 10 Natural Cancer Treatments to consider
At Wilco Wellness, we believe that health is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being. It infuses positive energy into the body, mind, and spirit.
The best journey is living to support a complete state of harmony.
We take this moment to remind you it is essential to discuss any changes in your diet or exercise routine with your primary care doctor. While our information is necessary, every individual must be responsible for their due diligence concerning their health routine and guidelines.
If you do not have a primary care doctor or are looking for a clinician, please feel free to contact and schedule an appointment with one of the health clinicians on our directory website.