Join together in July and be a part of the solution to a plastic-free solution
Take the Challenge to Absolutely Refuse Single-use Plastic or at least pick a few items and begin your journey product by product. The Earth is begging us for cleaner streets, oceans, and brighter communities clear of greenhouse emissions
Why is plastic such a big problem?
Plastic and microplastics are not suitable for the human body. According to the Ecology Center, “Americans are generating more plastic trash than ever, and very little of it gets recycled. As a result, plastics and their byproducts are littering our cities, oceans, and waterways, and contributing to health problems in humans and animals.”
Many plastics available are not safe, especially PVC or vinyl. This #3 type of plastic contains phthalates and heavy metals and will create dioxins when it’s chemically burned. Other plastics, like water bottles, contain BPA or Bisphenol-A, which is known to interrupt hormones within the human body.
Activists like myself do not like plastic because it contains thousands of possible additives, and manufacturers are not held responsible for their actions or contributions. Think about it! When you buy a water bottle, what happens when it’s gone? Does the water bottle company tell you what to do with it? Nope! You are forced to find ways within your city to recycle the bottle or toss it in the landfill.
We highly recommend you avoid plastic when possible, especially when dealing with toys and products made for children
and things made for consumption
Eliminating single-use plastics is one of the greatest challenges our world is facing today. The waste created by plastic products negatively affects our health and the environment. Thankfully, there are small ways we can create change in our day-to-day lives, such as quitting single-use plastics in favor of reusable alternatives. This small change can drastically promote better health and inspire others to follow your lead. Take a look below for ten reasons to switch to reusable products.
#1 Single-use is more expensive
Single-use plastics are thrown away as soon as they are used. That’s why they are called single-use. It may seem cheaper at the time, but buying the same product over and over again adds up over time. Reusable alternatives offer a one-time purchase solution that will save you money in the long run.
#2 Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose
Plastics can take up to 500 years to decompose. The plastic boom began in the 1950s which was at first considered a blessing to modern living. We now know that once the plastic begins to decompose it leaves harmful chemicals behind. Microplastics are then absorbed into the oceans, the water we drink, and the sea life we eat.
#3 Harms wildlife
Animals can easily eat or get caught in plastic waste, often leading to a slow, painful death. This has a serious long-term impact on our ecosystems. WWF’s 2018 Living Planet Report found that global biodiversity declined by 60% between 1974 and 2014. Over 800 species are negatively impacted by plastic waste. You can join WWF ( World Wildlife Foundation) in their fight for a world with no plastic in nature by 2030.
#4 Single-use plastic bags are not as durable
Have you ever been walking to your car from the store and had a bag break, spilling your groceries everywhere? Single-use plastic is often flimsy since it is only meant to be used once. Reusable alternatives are made to last, eliminating both small inconveniences and larger struggles.
#5 Creates more waste and pollution
The dirtiest beaches in the world have millions of plastic debris littering their shores, and many countries have areas covered in trash from other nations. Only a small percentage of plastics get recycled. Many people do not take the time to recycle their plastics, and a large percentage of what does get recycled is contaminated and gets trashed anyway. This is why even choosing to eliminate one plastic product every few months from daily use is so important.
#6 BPA and Your Health
Bisphenol A is a chemical compound commonly used in plastic. When plastic breaks down into microplastics, it enters the water supply and then enters our bodies when we drink the water. Environmental Health News estimated 90% of Americans had traces of BPA in their body. This chemical has shown to cause serious health effects, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, prostate cancer, infertility, heart disease, miscarriage, irritable bowel disease, birth defects, and thyroid issues.
Will you be a part of our mission to a Plastic Free July?
In combination with, Wilco Wellness would like to encourage you to shop locally for solutions
Look for shops that offer reusable drink containers as an option. Many times when you purchase and use one of their options, you will get a discount on your beverage. Zero Degrees in Cedar Park have amazing-looking reusable bottles. Hydrate Juice bar in Georgetown has gone the extra step with Made in the USA Greenware
Where can you shop sustainability in Williamson County, TX?
When you shop locally, you can help reduce plastic. It offers local markets an opportunity to reduce food waste and packaging waste because there are shorter distribution chains.
We highly encourage you to check out some of our favorite spots in Wilco:
- Sanctuary Holistic Kitchen – From pet food to tea, Robin has you ready for any occasion. Almost all the items are in reusable containers, and you can receive a discount if you bring them back. Just ask Robin what qualifies.
- Screw Plastic aka Rick and Linda – Save the gas and order online. All their products are local to central Texas and always shipped plastic-free. Host an event with Rick and Linda, educational for all lifestyles with lots of ideas on how to go plastic less to free one item at a time.
- Farm-to-table restaurants bring in their ingredients from local farms, cutting back on transportation emissions and unnecessary packaging.
- Farmers’ markets are delighted when you bring your bags. Reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills and oceans by shopping responsibly.
What if I cannot Shop Sustainably locally in the Williamson County area?
If you cannot shop locally, know that we have partnered with EarthHero to find sustainable solutions easily. As a previous 1-gallon ziplock bag fanatic, we love BioBag Compostable and resealable sandwich bags. For the kiddos at home, this kid’s arts and crafts busy box is fun and educational. Visit West Paw for your pup. Made in the USA, their products are safe and durable. They offer a few videos on training and just go the extra mile for happy healthy humans and dogs.
Whether you’re joining us for a Plastic Free July or making it a regular habit within the zero waste movement, we’re so glad that you’re taking steps to better our planet. Please check back regularly for more blogs about sustainability. We encourage you to share them online and tag us! Better yet! If you have a sustainable hack or unique information you’d like to share, please tag us in it online #wilcowellness. We love to learn and love to share
Additionally, Be on the lookout for daily switches you can make. One simple tip, remember to skip the to-go reusable utensils. There are so many convenient and low-cost options coming at you just stop a moment and choose one plastic-free option each month!